Wellbeing Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, the opportunity to show some extra love and appreciation for mothers. Plus, all those amazing people playing motherly roles in our lives.

Are you looking for something a tad different to flowers and chocolates – why not explore the gift of wellbeing!

Let’s be honest mums are well known for putting others first. Whilst placing their own self-care needs low down on the priority list. Let’s help them to change this and instead nurture themselves, through the gift of health and wellness.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we do. Plus, we’ve asked some wellness experts in the field to help us with ideas too!

Here are 8 gift ideas for Mother’s Day—or any time of year—that you can treat the mother in your life in a bid to help them cultivate love and wellbeing.

The Gift of Altered States this Mother’s Day

Claire Standen, a coach and practitioner over at ClaireStanden.com. Shares her beautiful insight on how a Breathwork session can make a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.

 Altered States this Mother's Day with Claire Stanton

Breathwork is growing in popularity, and this breathwork facilitator wants to let you know why that is so. As well as why it would make an excellent Mother’s Day gift.

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) has been hailed as the shortcut to altered states and it’s really easy to learn. So, step aside hallucinogenic substances and meditation, we’ve found a shortcut.

While physical therapies are very helpful for working with physical pain, and talk therapies are helpful for working with emotional pain. During a breathwork session you’re gifting the opportunity to work with the root cause of physical and emotional pain.

A 1:1 breathwork session will be an opportunity for mums to offload their worries and breathe their way to freedom, while building up resilience for future challenges. Using the three pillars of embodiment: breath, sound, and movement. The client is fully in control of how deeply they engage with this experience.

Breathwork offers an opportunity to allow the innate wisdom of the body to aid us in moving through emotions and resolving them at the source.

If the mum you’re buying for is open to spirituality in its many forms, breathwork will be the gift that keeps on giving. 

Stretch the Day out with Yoga

Any Mother’s Day present is a great way to show your lovely mum that you care. However, what about gifting her the experience of Yoga. The practice of Yoga is not just about physical poses, that help to strengthen the body. It includes meditative and self-disciplinary practices too, such as meditation, breath work, mantra, and prayer. You don’t need to be an expert, nor ultra-fit or flexible. Though yoga will definitely help improve these areas.

Yoga is well known to support mental health, quality sleep, mindfulness, stress management, pain management and healthy eating. So, the wellbeing benefits will last long after the big day itself.

When it comes to Yoga, there are so many ways you can gift this idea. You could certificate a yoga class for a nearby studio or online class subscription if she’s time poor. There’s even yoga retreats you could look into for her. Why not make it even more special and share the experience with her.

If your wish to bolster a gift voucher or even if your mum is yoga happy already. Why not investigate a themed yoga book, magazine subscription or yoga props such as a mat, blanket, or water bottle.

Give Your Mum a Hug in a Box

Whether you’re hand or postal delivering your gift for your mum this year, Jane Dyer, a Workplace Wellbeing Consultant/Coach at tudorroseservices.co.uk, has the answer!

Back in the day, servants were given Mother’s Day, or Mothering Sunday off work to go back to the parish they were born, with children and other family members. A rare opportunity for a family get-together. People gathered wildflowers and treated their mothers to edible gifts.

Mother’s Day is one special day to show our mums how much they are appreciated. Where they can, mothers are busy caring for and loving us throughout our lives, even stepping in with Grandma duties. What better way to treat your mum this Mother’s Day, than with a Hug In A Box. Even more special if you can’t be with her.

Packed full of gorgeous items and information to simply encourage your mum to take some time out to recharge. In short, it’s a collection of items guaranteed to give her that hygge feeling.

Each box contains at least 5 quality products hand-picked to nurture, inspire and support self-care, to make you feel good, encourage you to get creative or simply relax and have fun.

A hug is an amazing thing. It’s just the perfect way to show the love we’re feeling but can’t find the words to say” ~ Johnny Ray Ryder

Time Away This Mother’s Day

Mother's Day idea - Retreat

How about helping your mum celebrate Mother’s Day with a short vacation where the main focus is to help her recuperate. Who doesn’t want to relax, realign and reconnect with onesself in wonderful surroundings, with like-minded people.

There are so many different types of retreats to choose from depending upon your mums likes and dislikes. There are Yoga retreats, emotional healing retreats, health and fitness retreats, detox retreats, Spa retreats and so on. A retreat is not just an alternative way to provide your mum with peace away from her daily routine. But the health benefits like most of our wellbeing gift ideas will last long after the retreat is over.

Boost Your Mum’s Energy This Mother’s Day

Nicky Gee, a Crystal Reiki Therapist Tutor at bctworkshops.co.uk shares a gift idea that you can do with your mum. Plus, both of you reap the benefits of the gift long after Mother’s Day has ended.

Mother's day crystals

My Mum bought me a book recently, on Crystals & Reiki, knowing I’d trained in the therapies. She felt she didn’t know much about either. Unexpectedly, I found myself sharing and learning about vibrational energy with my Mum. I had to laugh when my Mum explained, she had got halfway through the book and declared she had been living this way for years. She just didn’t realise it had a name!

How wonderful is this, knowing that we all have this natural vibrational energy within us. And how through learning more about this energy we can easily use it to assist us in the different areas of life.

Mother’s Day is a great way to spend the day with our Mums whilst learning more about the vibrational energy of crystals and their benefits.

So much so that in my own therapy practice I offer gift vouchers for 1-1’s for not just mums, but aunty/uncle/dad and daughter/son/niece and nephew days too. Enabling gift recipients to experience vibrational energy for themselves, through an ‘Introduction to Crystal Workshop’.  Plus they have the pleasure of a take-home workshop folder, Crystal Reiki Therapy, and their own box of chakra crystals.

Whether you and your mum visit me or another Crystal Reiki Therapy practitioner, you will leave the workshop so relaxed and calm, and fulfilled. Along with information to assist you in your daily life. An experience your mum will never forget!

Mother’s Day Pamper

Mother’s Day idea - Reflexology

How about making this Mother’s Day a self-care kind of day for your mum? Time isn’t always a priority for mothers, especially where young children are involved or when life’s challenges are being faced.

Why not treat her to the healing touch of an holistic treatment? Whether it’s a relaxing massage, acupuncture, reiki, or reflexology. They all aim to gift your mum with the escape from modern-day stress and ease her gently into bliss.

You can either book her into see a local practitioner or gift her with vouchers so that she can choose a treatment that makes her heart sing.

The Gift of Confidence for Returning to Work Mums

Rose Jilka, a Return to Work Coach at youbeyondbaby.com shares the importance of supporting new mums back to work. Plus, how the Mother’s Day gift of coaching can help aid a smooth transition for all.

Rose Jilka, a Return to Work Coach sharing a Mother's Day idea

When you’re a new mum on maternity leave, at some point you’re going to start thinking ahead to your return to work and this can bring up all sorts of thoughts and emotions. Some mums are excited to get back to a bit of their pre-baby life, but for many, there’s a lot of apprehension about what might lie ahead.

Wherever mum is on the spectrum of feeling ready to go, to downright dread, coaching can help her address whatever is coming up for her so she can be prepared for her return to work.

Whether it’s:

  • Rebuilding confidence,
  • Letting go of working mum-guilt,
  • Putting in place boundaries,
  • Or something else that’s keeping her up at night.

Taking the time and space to work through her concerns through coaching can help lift the overwhelm about returning to work. And the benefit of this is that not only does she return to work feeling prepared and confident. She can also enjoy the rest of her maternity leave rather than counting down the days and weeks with a sense of gloom.

The Creative Gift of Zen

Sophie Hannah Walker, a Creative Mindfulness Practitioner over at Attentive Art enlightens us on how to gain ‘Me’ time through creativity and how to gift your mum with it this Mother’s day.

As a mum of two myself, I know how important ‘me time’ is. I’m a huge advocate of using creativity to relax and reconnect with yourself.

Zen Creativity Kits provide a complete experience. My own kits are available in a postable size box, making Mother’s Day delivery easy! Your mum will get a blank canvas, some paint and a brush and a link to download a full forty-minute original music album designed for relaxing creativity.

Also in my own Zen Creativity Kit is a scented tea light candle and a lovely tea bag to help your mum unwind. Not forgetting some pretty sparkles to embellish her finished canvas with needle and thread to stitch them on, or sticky dots to attach them.

All your mum needs to do is make the tea, light the candle, listen to the music, and see what she paints. It is all about the process; whichever way it makes her feel good, that is the right way to do it.

Helpful note: If you’re interested in this gift idea. To select the Mother’s Day gift box, choose the WHITE option in the drop-down menu on the colours section.

Take Home Message

We trust our eight Mother’s Day wellbeing gift ideas have been helpful. Plus, sparked your interest in ways you can offer your mum some extra health and wellness this year. A lot of the gift ideas can be benefited by you and your mum together. So, a double win!

If you would like to check out more wellbeing ideas for Mother’s Day, head over to our Wellbeing Platform. It’s full of wellbeing gift ideas and services from wellness practitioners who care.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this Site is provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health care professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self-diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness. Read full medical and health disclaimer.

About Alexis and Ursula (Wellbeing Umbrella)

Together, Alexis Dowd & Ursula Wood are the driving force behind Wellbeing Umbrella! They not only connect health and wellness seekers to a world-full of choice and variety. But through their Wellbeing Umbrella platform, FREE wellness events and collaborative efforts, they also support people-centred folk to work together to help increase awareness of the varied wellbeing treatments and solutions on offer. Plus they raise funds for those less able to access wellness support.

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