Complementary Therapy – Six Examples and How They Can Help

There are several reasons why people reach out and use complementary therapy.

Some look for treatments and practices that they consider more natural, others because they desire more control over their life.

Many people turn to treatments due to their symptoms not being fully under control with conventional medicine. Or for fear of the side-effects of prescribed medication.

Whatever the reason, complementary therapy is an approach that aims to help in such areas. Whilst addressing the mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of health.

So, What Exactly is Complementary Therapy?

Complementary therapy, for those that don’t know, are natural treatments that are used alongside what is considered mainstream healthcare. They can be used with the intention of treating or overcoming a health condition. Back pain, sinusitis, morning sickness, or anxiety are just some examples.

The ‘Alexandra Technique’ is another wonderful example of how complementary therapy together with traditional medicine can help with a health condition. The benefit of the technique assists people living with Parkinson’s disease to carryout daily tasks more easily and improve mental wellbeing.

Sometimes the term complementary therapy is used interchangeably with the name alternative medicine. Despite their being commonalities in treatments between the two. Unlike complementary therapy, alternative medicine is used by someone in place of mainstream healthcare.

Although we are of the ethos that no one-size-fits-all. For the purpose of this post we are coming from the approach of using practices as a complementary therapy. On that note, now is an appropriate time to stress the importance of seeing a GP prior to using complementary therapy. Especially when you have a health condition,

Now we’ve reminded you of the essential bit, lets share six amazing examples of complementary therapy and their potential benefits. All courtesy of the complementary practitioners themselves! 

Hypnotherapy as a Complementary Therapy

Tania Lopez - Hypnotherapist - Complementary Therapy

Tania Lopez, a Parenting Coach at Full Circle Hypnotherapy

I use hypnotherapy as a complementary therapy in my parent coaching practice. Many people are surprised by this and wonder whether I hypnotise children!

I don’t! I use hypnotherapy with parents as, over my years of teaching parenting programmes, I discovered that this was the missing link.

This is the link to our unconscious that directs all our behaviours and beyond and can have a greater and longer-lasting impact than our conscious efforts.

I could see from working with parents over two decades that they were trying hard to change themselves and/or their children. Yet, the unwanted habits and patterns kept showing up.

Many parents share that they want to parent differently from the way they were parented. However, when things get difficult, they revert to the blueprint of their childhood experiences.

I have supported parents who, for example, were triggered by their child’s tantrums and would do anything to stop the tantrum (especially in public, understandably).

Through my practice, they neutralised their reaction. So, if their child has a tantrum, they can respond differently to their child and feel good about themselves as a parent. Compassion is central to my practice, towards both the parent and child.

Havening Techniques®

Denise Oliver - Havening Techniques® - Complementary therapy

Denise Oliver, a Grief and Loss Resilience Coach at Deva Empowerment

The Havening Techniques® can be used as a complementary therapy and have been developed by Ronald A. Ruden M.D., Ph.D. and his brother Steven J. Ruden, D.D.S., ICF/ACC., over the last 20 years.

Based in neuroscience, neurobiology, and sensory techniques. These simple yet powerful tools bring us to a sense of inner safety, a haven, by alleviating the effects of stressful and traumatic events.

The foundation of Havening Techniques® is Havening Touch®. Havening Touch is used as a therapeutic tool to produce delta waves in the brain. These waves begin the process of de-traumatising our memories. By removing the negative effects that we experience e.g., stress, anxiety, worry, overwhelm, and pain.

The type of problems that Havening Techniques have been shown to alleviate are phobias and PTSD. Along with panic attacks, distressing memories, sexual abuse, cravings. Plus, fears e.g., public speaking, as well as enhancing positive outlooks on life. Growing our inner wellbeing, empowerment, and resilience, to name but a few.

If you find yourself in a state of stress, worry, anxiety, over-thinking everything. Or even experiencing brain fog, lowered self-confidence, and hopelessness. Then you may wish to consider the gentle, calming modality of Havening Techniques®. In a bid to increase your brain health, mental fitness, and peace of mind.

Yoga as a Complementary Therapy

Jen Anthony - Yoga - Complementary Therapy

Jen Anthony, a Yoga Teacher, Business Coach & Mentor at Jen Anthony

Yoga is a well-known complementary therapy. It is a physical and spiritual discipline that involves various practices, such as postures, breathing, and meditation, to improve flexibility, strength, and relaxation

There are many different styles of yoga, ranging from gentle and restorative to more vigorous and physically demanding.

One of the main benefits of yoga is that it can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The different practices can all help to calm the mind and relax the body. Yoga has also been shown to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. As well as reduce chronic pain, such as lower back pain and headache.

Many people find that their practice of yoga helps them to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and to cultivate a more positive outlook on life. Some people even find that their yoga practice helps them to connect with a deeper sense of spirituality.

To practice yoga, you need a comfortable space and a yoga mat. Some people prefer to practice in a class with a teacher, while others prefer to do their own practice at home. It’s important to wear comfortable clothing and to start with a beginner’s class if you are new to yoga.

The Complementary Therapy of Spiritual/Energy Healing

Katie Farrell, The Human Potential Coach

Katie Farrell, The Human Potential Coach at Katie Farrell Coaching

If you suffer from chronic health issues, whether ongoing back pain, autoimmune conditions or adrenal fatigue and burnout, there could be a deeper issue underlying them.

Experiences from our past, especially if they were traumatic, can continue to affect us for years. And the way that our subconscious mind protects us from repeating those experiences can be to lock the memories away. However, this doesn’t prevent them from being re-triggered because every emotion we experience carries an energetic frequency. If not released at the time, it can get trapped in our bodies. Stored low energy can accumulate and cause ongoing problems, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

An energetic technique that I use, called “Unveiling the Truth” is a powerful solution. It can be helpfully used as a complementary therapy.

I connect with you energetically and tap into your subconscious mind. This helps to uncover these hidden memories, providing an understanding around the cause and effect they’ve had. I’m then guided as to how they’ve impacted you, down to the cellular level, and then enact potent healing to release that from your body.

There is a follow-up session, 1-2 weeks later, where we review the progress made and complete the healing cycle. Both sessions are held over Zoom.

I used this technique to heal myself of Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and various hormone-related conditions I’d suffered from for decades. Now I am passionate about helping others with everything from physical injuries, chronic health conditions and emotional challenges.


Sharon Hadley, Crystal Mentor at NKN Crystal Creations

Sharon Hadley, Crystal Mentor at NKN Crystal Creations

Crystals can be used in everyday life, not just as a complementary therapy treatment with a therapist, but by wearing them and using them around your home and workplace. I help individuals choose the right crystals to use to address the concerns they are having.

By wearing crystals or having them in our environment we can benefit from their healing effects almost passively. In its simplest form this could be having a crystal in a pocket (not your bra there are lots of reasons why not) and setting the intention for what you want it to achieve. Wearing crystals as jewellery is a great, but easy way to benefit from their healing vibes and looks good too.

Thinking of the healing properties of each crystal informs our choices as to which crystals to wear or have around us. For example, if you are lacking in confidence, yellow crystals such as citrine and orange calcite that work on the Solar plexus improve confidence and self-image are a great place to start.

Add in some tiger’s eye for gentle grounding and courage. Then sodalite for communication and feeling heard and you’ve got a great set of crystals to mix and match depending on what you need most on any given day.

Using crystals on a regular basis helps individuals take back control. Plus help manage a range of conditions, particularly that around mental wellbeing and can be tailored to suit individual challenges.

TRE® – Tension Releasing Exercises

Sylvia Tillmann - TRE® – Tension Releasing Exercises

Sylvia Tillmann, a TRE® (Tension Releasing Exercises) Provider at Tremendous TRE

TRE® – Tension Releasing Exercises – What can we learn from our dogs?

Shaking is one of the oldest medicines in the world – and it’s a very innate and natural response to stress.



Also called therapeutic tremoring, you can learn how to easily release tension you are holding in your body and therefore get rid of physical aches and pains such as, e.g., –

  • headaches/migraines,
  • back pain,
  • tech neck,
  • gastrointestinal issues,
  • anxiety/irritability

My clients generally report deep relaxation (“like a mini spa treatment on the mat”), much better sleep, more resilience.

The beauty of TRE as a complementary therapy? It can save you time and money – once learned, it’s YOUR tool.

Have you ever watched a dog shaking it off after a stressful incident? Afterwards they get on happily with life – let’s use our body wisdom to do the same and I’d love to show you how.

Does this resonate with you, and do you want to pro-actively improve your health and well-being? Get in touch for a fact-finding chat (no obligation whatsoever, I love talking about TRE) and you might then also wonder: “Why on earth isn’t everybody shaking it off?”

You deserve to feel so much better!

Other Complementary Therapies

Here is a list of other types of complementary therapies that you may or may not of heard of.

  • Acupuncture

  • Tai Chi

Take Home Message

We trust our post has been helpful! Were any of them new practices to you? We’ll be honest at least two were new to us. That’s the wonderful world of complementary therapy, there are many new approaches to explore and take advantage of.

Everyone is different, what suits one person may not suit you. That said, as mentioned previously be sure to visit your GP if you have a health condition prior to reaching out to a practitioner.

If you need further help exploring complementary therapy, check our FREE no one-size-fits-all wellness events that introduce you to different wellness solutions. Either that or head over to our wellbeing platform for other useful solutions from a host of complementary therapy practitioners over at Wellbeing Umbrella.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this Site is provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health care professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self-diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness. Read full medical and health disclaimer.

About Alexis and Ursula (Wellbeing Umbrella)

Together, Alexis Dowd & Ursula Wood are the driving force behind Wellbeing Umbrella! They not only connect health and wellness seekers to a world-full of choice and variety. But through their Wellbeing Umbrella platform, FREE wellness events and collaborative efforts, they also support people-centred folk to work together to help increase awareness of the varied wellbeing treatments and solutions on offer. Plus they raise funds for those less able to access wellness support.

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