8 Reiki Health Benefits (From the Practitioners)

There are so many reported Reiki health benefits and reasons why people love this simple healing technique. So much so, we’re not sure where to start!

Let’s start here. For those not aware, reiki is an ancient, holistic, and non-invasive complementary therapy. Based on the concept of promoting healthy energy flow throughout the body. Using different hand placements around a client’s body, a practitioner transfers what is known as unseen ‘life force energy’. Encouraging the body to regain balance and harmony; emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Due to energy not being constrained by distance, a reiki session can also be sent by a practitioner and received by the client without them being physically present. Known as distance reiki, this is particularly good for those busy, less mobile or prefer the comfort of their own environment!

Whether you opt to receive treatment in-person or as a distant healing, the Reiki health benefits are far and wide. Here are eight wonderful Reiki practitioners to enlighten you on the benefits they and their clients have experienced.

1. Reiki for Anxiety Relief

Nichola Jackson, Holistic Therapist at Halo Holistics

Nichola Jackson, Holistic Therapist at Halo Holistics

Reiki is a beautiful energy technique that heals our physical bodies, thoughts, and emotions. The treatment is gentle with powerful results. I was first drawn to Reiki back in 2013 when I was seeking help to cope with anxiety and mild depression. Suffering with anxiety, I had to prepare with breathing exercises and meditation before leaving the house.

Many times, I felt disconnected, panicky, and not in control of myself. Social situations and busy crowds were unfortunately also a challenge during this period of my life.

During a Reiki session, I could deeply relax into a meditative state and was fascinated with the sensations that I could sense without any physical touch, such as heat, cold tingles, colours, lights, and visions. I always felt so calm, at peace.

Reiki and supportive practitioners enabled me to find the beauty in the simplest things, in nature and people, feelings of contentment, more awareness and gratitude. My mind was clearer, and I had more energy. I developed a more positive outlook and challenges were easier to overcome. I decided to become attuned and learn the technique so I could Self Reiki and offer to others, which I now do as a holistic therapist today.

2. Reiki to Gain Pain Relief

Angela Sandland, Creative Therapist BA (Hons) & Reiki Teacher in several systems of Reiki at Deer Heart Woman, talking on the topic of reiki health benefits

Angela Sandland, Creative Therapist BA (Hons) & Reiki Teacher in several systems of Reiki at Deer Heart Woman

In 1998 I had just finished my degree in Arts Therapies and had been studying the world of spirituality for the last year. I also happened to be taking medication for back pain daily which was due to severe scoliosis that had manifested at 4 years of age.

I was working at a mind, body, spirit festival when I happened to have my first experience of Reiki. It was nothing like I had experienced before, and I felt an instant draw to it. A few weeks later I was attending my Reiki Level One and was self-healing daily. Within 3 months I had come off all my pain medication and inhalers. 3 months!! Just digest that for a moment.

I’m now about to turn 45 and I do experience daily chronic pain (normal to increase with age) however I still rarely take medication. I feel this is due to my daily practice of self-reiki which is mostly part of my bedtime and morning routine.

As a practising Reiki Practitioner/Teacher since 1998 I have noted amazing instances of pain relief in clients. I urge anyone in pain to give it a try and consider learning Reiki to empower yourself and lead a joyful fulfilling life with natural pain management.

3. Reiki Health Benefits to Combat Stress

Bryony Rogers, Reiki Master Healer at Heartsong - Voice, Meditation and Healing, talking on the topic of reiki health benefits

Bryony Rogers, Reiki Master Healer at Heartsong – Voice, Meditation and Healing

Stress is behind many conditions, many illnesses are exacerbated or even caused by stress. Reiki is a very effective tool that can help with this significantly. A client who I’ll name John, was a mental health nurse, and was badly affected by the stressful challenges of this work.

He had symptoms of painful tension in the back and shoulders, tightness in the face and jaw, a lot of headaches and insomnia. John had regular Reiki sessions with me which had many benefits.

A primary benefit of Reiki is that it is very relaxing, supporting muscles to become less tense, and blood pressure, heart, and respiratory rate to become lower – the opposite of the “fight or flight” stress of John’s work.

This relaxation and the healing nature of Reiki relieved John’s pain; after the deep state of mental and physiological rest of each session, John would report less pain, better mental clarity, feelings of calm, and a generalized sense of well-being.

The regular sessions created an experience of caring and spaciousness in which John could develop a better self-relationship and an alternative approach to his work, supported by the Reiki precepts of self-compassion in undoing some of his negative self-talk behind his stress.

4. Reiki to Aid Better Sleep

Julie Shawcross, Reiki Master and Yoga Teacher at Gemstone Health and Wellbeing talking on the topic of reiki health benefits

Julie Shawcross, Reiki Master and Yoga Teacher at Gemstone Health and Wellbeing

Research has shown that one of the many reiki health benefits is that it aids restful sleep. Studies of people who are recovering from heart attacks or receiving treatment for cancer indicate that Reiki helps them sleep better than those who have not had Reiki treatments.

Reiki often helps clients experience deep relaxation reducing stress and anxiety, which in turn can help relieve insomnia. By attending Reiki sessions, people suffering with insomnia feel they can take control of their condition, which in turn may improve their symptoms. Reiki sessions vary in length, between 30 and 60 minutes. During the session, the practitioner will place hands lightly on or near the body in a series of hand positions. These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and the feet.

Reiki is an observable system only measurable in its effects. Many practitioners will talk about universal life energy, prana, ki or a variety of other things, but the truth is that we don’t know for definite how it works. Reiki is becoming more and more accepted as a worthwhile complement to allopathic medical treatment. Always ensure you use a practitioner who is a member of an accredited register such as CNHC or FHT.

5. Bouncing Back from Depression with Reiki

Anna Pileci-Cartlidge, Spiritual Mentor, Reiki Master Teacher & Chakra Healing Expert at Holistic Journey,

Anna Pileci-Cartlidge, Spiritual Mentor, Reiki Master Teacher & Chakra Healing Expert at Holistic Journey

Reiki is a spiritually guided universal life force energy. It is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch.

On a deeper and spiritual level, Reiki also connects you to your True Self. When you are connected to your true and authentic self you feel aligned, empowered as well as at ease, and at peace.

Reiki is best known to:

• Stimulate your body’s immune system

• Promote natural self-healing

• Relieve pain and tension

• Support through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and kidney dialysis

My healing journey started 30 years ago. My marriage ended, and I was a single mother to a 2.5-year-old boy. I was in a deep depression that I was suffering from most of my life. I was having suicidal thoughts and had lost my spark for life. This is when I found Reiki. Reiki helped me identify what was creating my unhappiness to reach the root of what truly needed healing.

Today I am in the best health and free of depression. My healing journey has led me to my career as a Soulpreneur, as well as a solid marriage with an exceptional man who is my best friend.

6. Letting Go with Reiki

Nicky Gee, Holistic Therapist, Tutor & Reiki Master Teacher at BCT Workshops (Beads Crystals & Therapies),

Nicky Gee, Holistic Therapist, Tutor & Reiki Master Teacher at BCT Workshops (Beads Crystals & Therapies)

You know that unmistakable feeling of relaxation when your massage ends, that you cannot describe as it is so intense. Well, this is my experience of how Reiki can make me feel when I have had a session to “Let Go”.

When you relax your energy, whatever it is you have been holding on to, such as trauma, sadness or regret, Reiki can help you sort. Allowing you to let go of the stress you carry with you from these black dog moments.

Although Reiki can help with letting go, it won’t make you forget all your past events. It’s a complementary therapy which complements other medical treatments.

We all know, the past feelings or memories we carry constantly with us can drag us down from time to time. Accept this as being totally normal. Yet know that Reiki can give you a different way of coping with your past, by helping to bring up these hidden feelings and aid you to face them head on.

But the big “but” is, if we want to let go, we must face the black dog hidden in our lives. Face that black dog and see everything from a new perspective, to help you … “Let Go!”

7. Reiki Health Benefits to Help Cope with Grief

Sangeeta Dewan, Parenting Coach, Reiki Healer and Author at Life Coaching by Sangeeta Dewan, talking on the topic of reiki health benefits

Sangeeta DewanParenting Coach, Reiki Healer and Author at Life Coaching by Sangeeta Dewan

Reiki is a form of energy healing that brings balance to our energy centres called chakras. When we go through stressful times, our energy gets blocked, and it can’t flow naturally. Reiki practitioners use a technique of hands-on healing through a “universal energy” to release stagnant energy and encourage emotional or physical healing.

It was September 2020 when my husband was diagnosed with multiple brain tumours with less than a year to live. This shock was too much for our family as he was only 56 years old. The first few days were challenging to say the least. I was falling apart but knew I had to hold it together so I could look after him and support my two boys emotionally and mentally. That’s when I recognised, I needed to keep myself energetically balanced, and I started my self-healing.

I have been a Reiki healer since 2013, but this was when I needed to direct the healing to myself, as I was grieving the loss of my husband. Grief can affect us physically, mentally, and emotionally and can weigh us down. Although I was crying and releasing pain, Reiki healing helped me let the weight of my situation fall through. So that my mind, body, and soul could finally take a much-needed pause, and it replenished my life force so I could move forward with peace.

8. Reiki to Support End of Life

Emma Lannigan, Multidimensional Healing & Mentoring & Usui Reiki Teacher,

Emma Lannigan, Multidimensional Healing & Mentoring & Usui Reiki Teacher at Emma Lannigan

Death is a frightening time for some, including therapists working with clients who have a terminal diagnosis. Reiki however, during the palliative stages of cancer can offer an individual great comfort and relaxation.

During the end-of-life stages of cancer individuals may turn to Reiki for its simplicity. By this time the individual will be feeling very tired physically. With little energy the sensation of the sense of touch and warmth of Reiki can offer a calmness.

The physical body at this stage is heavy, tired, and moving can be very restrictive. The emotional self may be lucid between tiredness, hallucinations to emotions of anger, sadness, fear, and guilt. Everyone is different.

The spiritual and emotional self both benefit from Reiki, as it welcomes a moment of peacefulness away from these emotions. A moment to forget and just be.

As I sat at the end of my sister’s hospital bed with just days left of life, I sent Reiki to her as she slept. I’d never felt so much peace and I could see in her face and body that she was so relaxed, for just that moment.

Reiki can be a silent friend in this precious time.

Now You Know the Reiki Health Benefits . . .

Eight amazing reiki health and wellbeing benefits have been shared by the practitioners themselves. Helpfully demonstrating just some of the many benefits to be positively experienced through this wonderful therapy.

Whether you are looking for ways to improve a current health challenge or just seeking gentle relaxation, reiki is a powerful treatment to call upon.  The great thing is it doesn’t just target one area of the body but is holistic in its approach. Helping to support inner restoration and increase overall wellbeing.

If you need further help to find a reiki practitioner, appointment, or distant healing, check our wellbeing platform full of dedicated wellness practitioners over at Wellbeing Umbrella.

Disclaimer: The information contained within this article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice on which you should rely.  Professional or specialist advice should always be sought before taking any action relating to your business. Read full website terms of use.

About Alexis and Ursula (Wellbeing Umbrella)

Together, Alexis Dowd & Ursula Wood are the driving force behind Wellbeing Umbrella! They not only connect health and wellness seekers to a world-full of choice and variety. But through their Wellbeing Umbrella platform, FREE wellness events and collaborative efforts, they also support people-centred folk to work together to help increase awareness of the varied wellbeing treatments and solutions on offer. Plus they raise funds for those less able to access wellness support.

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