Natural Pain Relief Solutions (From 8 Wellness Experts)

There are many natural pain relief solutions available for those who prefer not to reach for the pain killers!

However, not everyone is aware of all the wonderful treatments, techniques and solutions that can naturally aid our recovery until sign posted.

Let’s be honest when you’re in pain and discomfort you need that information NOW!

That’s why we’ve asked 8 wellness practitioners to kindly share their knowledge on the natural pain relief you can utilise to empower yourself to manage a physical and/or emotional challenge.

1. Turmeric to Soothe Pain

Michelle Paterson, a Registered Nutritional Therapist sharing how turmeric is good as a natural pain relief

Michelle Paterson, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach at Transition Nutrition

If you are someone who suffers with chronic pain, chances are you’ll be regularly popping pain killers – often anti-inflammatory drugs – designed to suppress the symptoms. The long-term effects of drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are worrying – gastrointestinal bleeding and strain on the liver in detoxifying medications.

I always aim to identify the root causes of what is causing a particular symptom. In this case, pain and find natural ways to support the body to heal. It may surprise you to know that what you eat can be extremely helpful in managing pain. Plus addressing the causes.

Inflammation (when the immune system is reacting) and pain go hand in hand. The body makes chemicals called ‘inflammatory mediators’ that cause pain and inflammation– things like prostaglandins and leukotrienes. While drugs work well to block these signals. There are also natural anti-inflammatory substances and foods that can also help hugely.

For example, bright yellow turmeric with its active compound curcumin, has powerful anti-inflammatory actions. Trials with arthritic patients showed it to be similarly effective to anti-inflammatory drugs, but without the side-effects. Turmeric (dried or fresh) adds flavour to curries, stir-fries and rice. Or try my turmeric latte daily to help as a natural pain relief.

2. Jing Method – Massage to alleviate Chronic Pain

Rachel Friedli, an Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist at Positive Touch

As an advanced clinical massage therapist, I work with people in chronic pain. It’s not a one size fits all, it’s about looking at every aspect of that person’s life to find out why the pain is causing so many issues.

Emotions play a big part, as do stress levels, sleep position, and posture. Along with exercise, work lifestyle and what you’ve been told about your condition. Most pain is not caused where you are feeling it. Instead, it is caused by a muscle or set of muscles referring it to that position.

I use mentoring/coaching skills alongside advanced clinical massage techniques to get to the root cause of pain. This helps you better understand where it’s coming from. Plus, how natural pain relief can be used to help you manage it.

Empowering you to understand why you’re in pain. While involving you in the process, means that you have the tools needed to help yourself. I use the Jing Method, which is based on a fix in six protocol. It uses a blend of hot/cold therapy, fascia release, trigger points, acupressure, stretches and self-care. All working to help you keep on top of your pain wherever you are.

3. Hypnotherapy as a Mind Body Medicine & Natural Pain Relief

Catherine Taylor Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner. Explaining Hypnotherapy as a pain relief

Catherine Taylor, a Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner at Catherine Taylor Changing Lives

I am an integrative psychotherapist Hypnotherapist and Reflexology Practitioner.

Pain in the body is letting us know that something is wrong. It is imperative we investigate to see if the problem has a medical diagnosis first.

Once we have established that all is well then hypnosis is a very useful natural pain relief tool for relaxing muscles tension and anxiety connected to pain.

Anxiety and tension increases pain. I have found this to be particularly true in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraine Headaches, jaw and neck pain where all the physical tests have been carried out, but the person’s pain still persists.

Inflamed thinking and repressed anger can increase pain in areas in the jaw where a person has almost clenched the jaw in order to keep the anger in, neck tension stomach cramps can also increase when bottling feelings. Different emotions are connected to different types of pain. The Great Louise Hay wrote a multimillion best seller on this concept. “You can Heal Your Life”

I am a great advocate for mind body medicine and look forward to the day when our physicians employ it more often for natural pain relief.

4. Crystals for Healing Pain

Sharon Hadley, a Crystal Mentor at NKN Crystal Creations

Crystals are a natural pain relief. They can help reduce pain by bringing the chakras into balance and introducing higher frequency vibrations into the body. Pain is often caused by stress so using crystals to manage stress can also relieve pain.

They can be used as part of a holistic treatment such as a crystal massage, Reiki and crystal treatment or used on a daily basis. This could include wearing the appropriate crystal for the pain as a piece of jewellery. Alternatively place or gently rub a tumble stone on the painful area such as across the stomach for period pain.

Crystals for some of the most frequently occurring pain include:

  • Amethyst – headaches, migraines
  • Carnelian – menstrual pain, lower back pain, rheumatism
  • Clear quartz – as the master healer it can help with most pain as it improves energy flow and circulation
  • Aquamarine – due to its connection to the throat chakra via its blue colour is helpful for sore throats, colds, and respiratory infections
  • Malachite – works to quickly heal bones, muscles, and joints and also aids with menstrual pain
  • Smoky quartz – works on cramps, back pain and muscular spasms. Particularly effective on the lower body due to its connection to the root chakra.

5. Reiki for Natural Pain Relief

Diana Tyson, a Reiki Master at Natural Transformation

In 2019, the British Medical Journal reported that Reiki is useful for relieving pain. As well as decreasing anxiety, depression and improving quality of life in several conditions.

Reiki is a natural healing therapy that helps to reconnect and increase health and wellbeing. Used in over 60 hospitals within the U.K. and 800 in the USA. Reiki assists the healing process on both a physical and emotional level.

Emotions when unbalanced can cause dis-ease within the body. Reiki intelligently helps to breakthrough stagnant slow energy. Whilst also, dissolving tension and creating a healing process that encapsulates the whole body. 

I have used Reiki to help clients with chronic long-term conditions associated with pain, including MS, ME, long covid, cancer care and palliative care. It gently reconnects you so that you feel grounded, centred, nourished, and supported. 

One of my clients beautifully shares the benefit of using Reiki, whilst managing a chronic condition.

“I had regular Reiki sessions from Diana, they were amazing. I could always feel the Reiki energy through the session, I am convinced they greatly helped me gain remission.”

My client experienced such benefits because Reiki helped with aiding her sleep, lessoning her fatigue levels, reducing joint pain, nausea, and anxiety.

Reiki is available to all and can be used for natural pain relief. So, be sure to give it a try sometime.

6. Hypopressives Breathing Method for Natural Pain Relief

Sarah Parker, helping women (Pregnancy, Postnatal, Prolapse) ease pain and exercise without fear at Sarah Parker Fitness

Have you ever had a stitch and breathed your way through it? Or been in labour and used breathing to get through the surges?

If so, then you will have experienced the power of breathing for easing muscular pain.

Slow, relaxed breathing can also affect your heart, lungs, digestive and nervous systems.

Hypopressives is a breathing method which uses slow, quiet breaths, along with a breath hold and false breath. It can be used as a natural pain relief technique.

It’s combined with poses which help release tight muscles and improve joint pain.

One of the main benefits of Hypopressives is core strength

By practising daily, I have gotten rid of back pain, pelvic floor pain and prolapse symptoms.

Most recently it’s helped with chest pain. In bed with Covid, my chest was really tight, and I had a band of pain across the back of my ribs. I wanted to do a bit of Hypopressives to help with the constipation that had appeared with the virus. Despite assuming my practice wouldn’t be very good, I decided to give it a try anyway.

I found I could breathe just as well as normal and was amazed when the pain in my ribs disappeared immediately!

7. KORE Therapy for Releasing the Root Cause of Pain

Susie Tracey, KORE Therapist - sharing expertise on Kore therapy for natural pain relief

Susie Tracey, KORE Therapist & an Empowering Women’s Coach at Lighthouse Wellbeing

KORE therapy (Kinaesthetic Optimum Recovery Enhancement) integrates the best of both Western and Eastern assessments & treatment skills. Using unique tests means we can ascertain the root cause of an issue using the body’s neurological system.

Treatment then focuses on releasing the root causes which will benefit the whole body, including nerves, muscles, blood, organs, lymph, digestion & more bringing the body to its optimum. KORE looks at “why” the problem is there. Treatment is bespoke to the individual and may include Spinal release, Pelvic & Cranial balancing, Qi Gung & more.

Pain is an indicator we have a problem. It does not tell us what the problem is or what the root cause of the problem is.

All systems of the body need to be evaluated as they influence one another. By using muscle tests, we can find “why” the pain is present. Often where the client experiences pain is not the root cause.

Releasing, mobilising, and removing any restrictions throughout the body will decrease the pain. Pain can be caused by a blood flow restriction or the pelvis not functioning as the foundation of the body.

Depending on how long you have experienced the pain and how your body reacts to balancing itself will depend on how many treatments. Though most people experience a change on one treatment.

I experienced lower back pain for years, until I had KORE which balanced my whole system so everything worked and functioned much better and in optimum balance. I’ve treated many clients with sciatica and have seen amazing results after one session.

8. Bach Flower Remedies for Alleviating Emotional Pain

Rita Briffa, Healer, Success Self Love Coach, Published Author at Wellbeing Consultancy Malta

Successful self-love builds healthy self-esteem, self-care, self-confidence, and self-worth. It is the main theme of my healing programmes. ‘’My way to success through healing self-love’’ is my memoir book of how self-love healed me from a chronic autoimmune disease.

My top tip is to love yourself unconditionally and then allow the excessive love you have for yourself to flow abundantly on to others.

Emotional pain can often hinder our ability to foster self-love. Bach flower remedy is a commonly recommended treatment by practitioners to help balance emotional problems and pain.

In my experience with Bach flower remedies for the last 15 years. I have helped women overcome stress, anxiety, mental fatigue, and repetitive thoughts which sabotaged their restful nights. Plus, caused physical weariness, uncomfortable relationships, guilt, and repetition of same patterns/mistakes.

In such cases, I prescribe and give them blends picked up from the spectrum of the 38 Bach flower remedies according to their emotional, mental, and physical needs. The specific blends given to them relieve mental, emotional, and physical pain.

I can relate numerous case studies where I inspired and empowered women with Bach flower remedies. This newfound self-worth helped them leave abusive relationships, make peace with their past, overcome guilt, face their fears, and create the life of their dreams.

Over To You

Well, that’s it – eight amazing practitioners have kindly shared their expertise on natural pain relief. We don’t know about you, but we love how empowered we feel after learning about the different practices, techniques and remedies that can be drawn upon. Hopefully you won’t feel like pain killers are your only option and that not only can you now manage pain better. But that you can get to the root cause where needed too!

If you’d like to explore and find further solutions to help naturally manage pain, check our wellbeing platform that shares many solutions from dedicated wellbeing professionals who have walked a mile in your shoes.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this Site is provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health care professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self-diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness. Read full medical and health disclaimer.

About Alexis and Ursula (Wellbeing Umbrella)

Together, Alexis Dowd & Ursula Wood are the driving force behind Wellbeing Umbrella! They not only connect health and wellness seekers to a world-full of choice and variety. But through their Wellbeing Umbrella platform, FREE wellness events and collaborative efforts, they also support people-centred folk to work together to help increase awareness of the varied wellbeing treatments and solutions on offer. Plus they raise funds for those less able to access wellness support.

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