Blogs on a variety of treatments and solutions that can help with different health and wellness challenges or conditions.

A Guide to Aromatherapy: Its Treatments and Benefits

Aromatherapy, as a complementary therapy, has been gaining traction over the last few decades, going all the way back to the ‘flower... Read More...

Why Hypnobirthing Should Be an Essential Part of Your Birth Preparation

From using hypnobirthing techniques for my own births and supporting women during pregnancy for the past ten years I have both experienced... Read More...

5 Free Wellness Resources to Help You Thrive

We have rounded up five fabulous wellness resources to help you tackle relationships, stress, anxiety, overwhelm and being time-poor! We love sharing... Read More...

Complementary Therapy – Six Examples and How They Can Help

There are several reasons why people reach out and use complementary therapy. Some look for treatments and practices that they consider more... Read More...

Self-Esteem: 3 Powerful Ways to Boost It (From the Experts)

Self-esteem is something we all desire more of at some time in our life. Yet, what exactly is it and how can... Read More...

How To Stop Your Inner Troll Disturbing Your Sleep

How To Stop Your Inner Troll Disturbing Your Sleep . . . You wake up, and darkness is still in charge. The... Read More...

Natural Pain Relief Solutions (From 8 Wellness Experts)

There are many natural pain relief solutions available for those who prefer not to reach for the pain killers! However, not everyone... Read More...

5 Simple Meditations You Can Use to Defuse Festive Stress [Listen Now]

Tis the season to be jolly right? Not when festive stress starts showing its ugly head it's not!  Stress can sometimes feel... Read More...

7 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries with Family this Christmas

Psst, are you secretly dreading spending time with your family this Christmas? Despite the festive period being a magical time for some,... Read More...

8 Reiki Health Benefits (From the Practitioners)

There are so many reported Reiki health benefits and reasons why people love this simple healing technique. So much so, we’re not... Read More...

5 Unique Massage Types and Their Health Benefits (From the Therapists Themselves)

Have you ever had a massage? It’s one of the most popular therapies out there for you to experience. In fact, a... Read More...

What 7 Wellness Experts Say About the Best Ways To Naturally Manage Insomnia

The joys of insomnia and restless nights! Despite sleep being a natural process, we can all experience times when our sleep pattern... Read More...

6 of the Top Holistic Treatments to Relieve Migraines

When a migraine strikes it can feel more than a ‘really bad headache’! An intense pulsing or throbbing pain down one side... Read More...

ScarWork: Why Have It and What Is It?

Have you ever heard of Scarwork before? The presence of scar tissue in the body – however big or small the outward... Read More...

What is the EMMETT Technique?

So, what exactly is the EMMETT Technique? The EMMETT Technique is a simple to apply, light touch body therapy. It is gentle... Read More...
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