A Long-Term Mental Health Condition Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Live A Happy Healthy Life – Joe’s Story

It’s true a long-term mental health condition isn’t the end of the world!

Welcome to Walked A Mile In Your Shoes, a video series for and about wellness seekers and providers. This is a talk episode where guests share their own personal wellness journey and how it influenced the work they do today.

In this episode, we hear from Joe Roe, who shares her experience of a long-term mental health condition and how coaching and NLP changed her life for the better.

Connect With Joe

This is what she has to say . . .

“I was so deeply inspired by my own mental health journey that I just knew; this was to be my passion and life. Making a positive meaningful difference to others experiencing mental health, is what floats my boat. My mental health journey has been a gift, and it is an absolute privilege to be a part of allowing others to regain and maintain mental health wealth; shifting you from chaos to calm and confident, living your happy life and getting back your Mind MoJoe.”

Website: https://joeroe.co.uk/

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joeroecoaching/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxY0VSJ7xYJ2zc0JU_KfVzA

Twitter: om/joeroecoaching

Linkedin: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/joeroecoaching

Thanks For Watching!

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About Joe Roe

Get back your mojo with The Mental Health Coach Joe Roe. With 20 years of coaching experience and shifting 100s of people from anxiety and stress, to calm, confident and happy. With my own lived experience of mental health unwellness of stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychosis, using a beautiful blend of coaching and NLP is the game changer to regain and maintain my own and client's mental health wealth                       

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