Welcome to ‘Successful Ways to Deal With Persistent Sleep Problems (Insomnia), Whilst Staying Clear of Medication‘ Pre-Recorded Event.

Let’s take you on an online journey, including Holistic Techniques, Energetic Tools, Exercise, and Chinese medicine to help you quickly say good-bye to all of your current nightmarish lack of sleep stories!

Watch the whole event above or just the session(s) below that pique your interest!

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The information shared during the event recordings are provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health care professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self-diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness.

Prefer to Watch the Replay of Individual Event Sessions?

What Is Keeping You Awake and Is It Even Yours???

Your Host: Maureen Wycherley

This session will probably be quite different from anything you’ve explored so far. Have you considered that the thoughts, feelings and emotions keeping you awake may not even be yours? What would it be like if you had some crazy energetic tools to DELETE what doesn’t belong to you?

Maureen won’t give you answers, she’ll give you questions and a magic energetic wand to begin to wipe away what isn’t yours and discover the true happy being you are. Great sleep will be the by-product of that!!

Connect With: Maureen – Joyous Living

How To Declutter the Mind to Increase Sleep, Using Holistic Techniques

Your Host: Diana Tyson

Did you know that 70% of insomniacs are women?

Yes, we agree that is a very high number, Diana having experienced this herself through grief and menopause is now a Holistic therapist/teacher, Reiki Master and intuitive; who has created a vast toolkit of techniques to help naturally restore balanced sleep.

Diana looks forward to sharing her holistic toolkit with you in her session.

Connect With: Natural Transformation with Diana Tyson

Exercise To Help Achieve a Better Sleep Routine

Your Host: Michelle Walsh

Exercise is a great benefit to people who are struggling with sleep. That could be not falling asleep, lying awake for hours or waking up at all hours of the night. Whatever the reason sleep plays a crucial role in our heal & repair system. It allows us to perform at our peak both physically & mentally. It is essential to a thriving immune system and directly impacts our mood, our weight, our hormones.

I think we can agree that sleep should be at the top of our priority list when it comes to thriving not surviving. Michelle will be sharing the types of exercise we can introduce to improve our sleep.

Connect With: Michelle Walsh – New Body and Soul

How To Get Your Sleep Back – Understanding Insomnia and Stress with Chinese Medicine

Your Host: Andrea Marsh

To resolve insomnia Andrea breaks your nightly pattern down into time slots of when you’re awake and what your symptoms are at that time. Using the powerful insight of Chinese medicine into how your body works and your energy patterns this equates to what your health imbalances are. Then you can understand how to tackle the individual issues to rebuild your sleep.

Find out how to rebuild your sleep using the wisdom of Chinese medicine and completely natural solutions. Understand how stress and your liver play a huge role in your sleep health and what sleep nutrition is!

Connect With: Andrea Marsh – Cotswold Menopause

How To Sleep Better (And Why It’s The Most Crucial Thing You Can Do for Your Health)

Your Host: Michelle Paterson

We take it for granted when we can. We think about nothing else when we can’t. Whether we like it or not, sleep affects EVERYTHING! Sleeping well is probably THE MOST important thing that you can do for your health.

Come along to this online talk to understand more about how nutrition and lifestyle can help and hinder the process of sleep

You will learn some important things that you can start doing NOW to help you improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Connect With: Michelle Paterson – Transition Nutrition

How To Overcome Burnout So Your Sleep Pattern Returns to Normal

Your Host: Gill Davidson

Overcoming and preventing burnout is a must in today’s fast paced society. When we experience burnout, a side effect can be a poor sleep pattern. We might have interrupted sleep and problems falling asleep. Poor sleep patterns result in almost if not every area of our life being affected in a negative way. We are not our best at work, at home, in our professional and personal relationships, our physical, emotional and mental health suffers.

This short workshop will provide you with tips and techniques to help you overcome burnout and have a better quality sleep.

Connect With: Gill Davidson – Gill Davidson Coaching

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