Welcome to ‘Pain Relief: Natural Approaches for Pain-Free Living’ Pre-Recorded Event.

Let’s take you on an online discovery of some of the natural approaches to managing pain in a bid to help you move away from discomfort and difficulty, including Nutritional TherapyTai-ChiEnergetic ToolsBreathing, Movement and Relaxation.

Watch the whole event above or just the session(s) below that pique your interest!

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The information shared during the event recordings are provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified health care professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self-diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness.

Prefer to Watch the Replay of Individual Event Sessions?

Where Do I Start on Days When I’m In Too Much Pain to Do Anything?

Speaker: Jenny Oakenfull

In this session Jenny will share tips to help you on the days where you are in too much pain to do anything. She will start with calming your mind so that you can listen to what your body needs.

Jenny will then explore breathing techniques and gentle movements that you can do to help you on the days you feel like you don’t know what to do or where to start. She will share ideas on how to incorporate 5-10 mins of breathwork and exercises into your daily routine to help you manage your pain.

Connect With: Jenny – Active-Eat

Uncover Tai-Chi Chuan from Yang Style Practice with Susie, For A Healthier You!

Speaker: Susie Lee

There is a body of research that shows how Tai Chi can benefit people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, tension headache, and other ongoing, painful conditions.

Discover Tai-Chi Chuan Yang style practice and some of its other benefits. Susie will be demonstrating what she does daily: Qui Kung, core warming exercising and Foundation form. These are only the basic steps on what practicing Tai-Chi can offer.

She will show how through practicing this art form, you can get stronger physically and relax mentally. By cultivating your own energy, you can get rid of any stagnating energy blocks through your body making your organs work better and reducing pain.

Connect With: Susie Lee – Tai-Chi with Susie

Would You Like to Change The Relationship You Currently Have With Your Body?

Speaker: Maureen Wycherley

Do you know your body has its own intelligence? Do you know how to communicate with your body?

Maureen would like to introduce you to new ways to communicate with your body. Ways that are honouring, kind, and generative for you and your body. Practices that give your body the opportunity to tell you and show you what it requires, rather than you completely ignoring it or worse still, overriding it.

If you are in communion with your body, listen to your body’s requirements, pain can be greatly diminished and, in some cases, eliminated.

Connect With: Maureen Wycherley – Joyous Living

3 Helpful Strategies to Transform Painful Joints and Periods During Perimenopause

Speaker: Michelle Paterson

During our 40’s and 50’s, us women can often find ourselves coping with an array of symptoms triggered by changes in our hormones.

It’s not just about hot flushes and lack of sleep although these can be troublesome. Women commonly report experiencing more painful joints, alongside heavier, painful and erratic periods. These symptoms can really get in the way of living your life to the full.

Find out how best to naturally support your body to manage and reduce pain during this time. Transform your experience from hormone havoc to hormone harmony. Pick up my free guide for more information below.

Connect With: Michelle Paterson – Transition Nutrition

Transform Your Perspective on Pain

Speaker: Gill Jackson

Are you plagued by chronic pain? Does it interfere with your day-to-day activities and maybe even with your enjoyment of life?

Life is short and it is for living to the full so let me guide you through a calming and transformative meditation to completely change your perspective on pain, helping you to better manage your symptoms or maybe to even banish chronic pain forever!

Can you imagine that – a life free from pain? Get comfortable and cosy and make sure you are uninterrupted for this guided meditation to achieve just that.

Connect With: Gill Jackson – Gill Jackson Therapeutic Counselling

In Pain? Discover the benefits of Quantum Touch and Quick Relief Techniques

Speaker: Debbie Giles

In Quantum Touch it’s thought that pain can be our body’s way of speaking to us, telling us we need to heal this situation, mindset, or lifestyle. Helping us find the cause in itself can be a huge leap to pain free living.

Richard Gordon founder of QT says “finding the cause of our pain or disease can help us heal 30%” I have witnessed this on many times and it is a true blessing.

QT can give us insights into our emotional state of being that may go unseen in our conscious mind but come up in the body, helping us to unravel emotions that we have forgotten, using breath, intention and focus!

Connect With: Debbie Giles – Debbie Giles Energy Healing and Meditation

Looking For Other Pain Relief Solutions?

Quickly search our all-in-one wellbeing platform for treatments and solutions to help you manage pain from a variety of trusted wellbeing providers on our all-in-one wellbeing platform. Or checkout suggestions below.

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