Eileen Burns

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Location: Lanarkshire
Language: English

Soul Purpose and Healing For Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Spiritual Coaching, Stress Management and Inner Child Healing For Empaths, Sensitives, and Healers.

My own journey into this work started over 30 years. I was only 19 and started to suffer a long list of chronic and rare medical issues which led to burnout and threatened eye loss.

Modern medicine could do nothing for me, they could offer me no support or treatment, this led me on a journey of healing which started at college while studying singing something at that time I was deeply passionate about.

But my health declined so much I ended up spending a large part of my twenties so ill, I was not just unable to work but unable to do so many of the simple things in life I once took for granted.

These challenges took me down a very long windy path into many elements of the holistic and spiritual sector. I went to over 90 holistic practitioners, over 300 doctors for help. And studied many different holistic disciplines.

So many of the jobs I had tried to do from the age of 19 I had to give up because of all sorts of health issues, but these challenges helped me get closer and closer to my true life and soul purpose.

I would train in many healing, therapy, and coaching modalities and still do, as I am a lifelong learner and passionate educator

But one of my greatest soul gifts has always been helping others find their purpose, their zone of genius.

Especially fellow healers, therapists, and coaches unlock more of their soul gifts, heal their inner child wounding that is stopping them move forward and able to attract the soul clients they are born to serve.
Eileen also runs an Online Training School For Therapists and Coaches, Stress Coach Training, and the Spiritual Marketing Club. She offers Accredited Relaxation Therapist & Teacher Training plus Stress Management 101 Certificate.

She spent over 20 years teaching Anxiety and Stress Management, Meditation, Relaxation Therapy, and Holistic Therapies, many of those years she taught in the local education, charities, community including NHS,

Qualifications & Experience
University Certificates
•Advanced Stress Advisor*
•Stress Advisor*
•Cognitive Behaviour Therapy*
•Life & Spiritual Coaching

•Colour Therapy
•Flower Essences
•Indian Head Massage

Certificates, Courses & Training

Traditional Usui Reiki 1& 2, Traditional Usui Reiki Master & Teacher
Metratronia Therapy,
Handling Stress, Managing Stress
Laser Therapy – Stress, Weight, Addictions

Guided Visualisation for Therapeutic Use,
Meditation & Relaxation Training,
Mindfulness, Transcendental Meditation,
Quantum Entrainment

Counselling Certificate, Counselling for M.E., Be M.E. Aware,
Psychology*, Cognitive Psychology*, Biological Psychology*

Connect Kids 1- Meditation, Infant Baby Massage Instructor
Web Design YorkshireWeb Developer Yorkshire

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