I’m here to help you as I’ve helped and supported hundreds of women whose lives and relationships have been badly affected by challenging symptoms and hormonal disruption during your menopause transition. I help women alleviate their mid life health issues and menopausal symptoms naturally with nutrition, supplements, understanding exercise, mindset coaching and lifestyle solutions. Downloads or consultations available.
I raced out and got a branded supplement and within 3 days I had the dreaded hot flushes! Just what was going on?
That started my journey of curiosity, how could I get hot flushes so easily and why were my symptoms of low moods, anxiety, insomnia linked to menopause.
Technically it was the perimenopause (I hadn't heard that term yet!) and my symptoms were all 'cold-based' in chinese medicine terms. So I set about understanding how the symptoms linked, what the energetic imbalances in the body are, how that relates to us physically and emotionally, and how to resolve them effectively!
My ideas turned into practise and work really well, so if you're looking for a natural way through the menopause, then before jumping to pharmaceuticals look to your health, diet and nutrition first.
"Nature, time and patience the three great physicians" Chinese proverb
When Andrea found out she was perimenopausal she was relieved; it meant she wasn’t depressed! It also meant she was confused as she’d never had a hot flush and her symptoms didn’t make sense… but that’s the perimenopause right? As a researcher and problem solver she set about working out how you have a great healthy menopause and now helps hundreds of women achieve this every year.