Why yoga and Therapy

I had been diagnosed with hyper mobility syndrome. Great! I hear you say, “You are super bendy and can do yoga”, “It’s easy for you because you can get into the postures”. Well, it’s not like that, yes I am super bendy, yes I can get into the postures, however, the daily pain I faced because of this condition was horrific. Every part of my body ached. I dislocated joints easily, my balance was shocking – I would fall over regularly, sprained ankles were the norm!

Dru Yoga has really helped me to gain physical strength which was severely missing. It allows me to use my own bodyweight to build that muscle I need to support my joints. I no longer an injuring myself in a gym.

I also was working very long hours for an international corporate organisation. I was on the work treadmill and couldn’t get off. I was stressed and miserable. Dru Yoga also helped me manage my stress, cleared my mind, and allowed me to make changes in my life as I now could think more clearly. Who knew I would find so much benefit in my life from just 90 minutes a week? Imagine what my daily practice is now doing for me.

I decided to train as a yoga teacher so that I could share the benefits I had found, with others. I also wanted to share elements of yoga practice with my clients in therapy and realised I can also share my therapy skills with my yoga teaching.

About Karen Pullan

I am a Yoga teacher and psychotherapeutic counsellor. I am also a Reiki and Access Bars practitioner.

Working with the mind body connection to help to bring comfort, strength, emotional healing, to the mind and body. 

I am a member of UKCP and Dru Professional Network.


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