Summertime Relaxation


An informative session of learning the art of self care guided by me.

The session is designed to be used multiple times once purchased and down-loaded.

As you start to enjoy the Summer months and the much needed sun and blue skies to help lift our moods, I want to take you through some very simple things you can do for yourself and make a change you probably didn’t think possible.

About Serenity Cabin

My name is Angela Winbolt and I am the owner of Serenity Cabin. I offer Wellbeing Treatments in a cabin here is Seaford where I live.

In addition to these treatments I am making available material and courses online to help you to take care of your Wellbeing.

Finding and making the time for yourself is paramount to helping you learn how to switch off your body and you mind. 

I look forward to linking up with you over the internet in the not too distant future.

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